Terms and Conditions

By registering for a Digital Currency Account from Grineo, accessing and/or continuing to use our Platform and Services, you agree to abide by these Terms and Conditions and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with any of these terms, or the terms of our Privacy Policy you should immediately cease using our Platform and Services.

Last updated September 2024


The value of any Digital Currency can fluctuate significantly and there is a material risk of economic loss when buying, selling, holding or investing in Digital Currency. Digital Currency including Stablecoins may lose some or all of their value. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. You should therefore consider whether trading or holding Digital Currency is suitable for you in light of your financial circumstances.

It is important that you fully understand the risks involved before making a decision to use our Platform and Services.

  1. General

    1. The Grineo Website and the App (together, the Platform) is owned and operated by Grineo Pty Ltd (ACN 663 984 629) (hereafter referred to as Grineo, us, we and our). These Terms and Conditions (Terms) govern the relationship between Grineo and our users (you, your, or the User) who interact with Grineo, and our products and services, including the Platform and the Services (as defined below). Grineo and you are Parties to these Terms and each of us and you are a Party. By accessing and continuing to use the Platform and the Services you agree to accept and be bound by these Terms and any amendments to these Terms from time to time as contemplated by clause 1.9 below. If you do not agree with these Terms or any changes from time to time, you should discontinue accessing or using the Platform and the Services immediately.
    2. We provide services to you through the Platform, including:
      1. selling Digital Currency to you, and buying Digital Currency from you, as per your requests from time to time;
      2. exchanging one type of Digital Currency for Fiat Currency or another Digital Currency, or Fiat Currency for Digital Currency;
      3. establishing an Account for you, which will comprise one or more Digital Wallets which may hold Digital Currency for your Account;
      4. custody of your Digital Currency held in your Account on your behalf in accordance with these Terms;
      5. transferring Digital Currency to you, and receiving Digital Currency from you, as per your Orders from time to time;
      6. other functions and services we may offer from time to time online or via an app.

        (together, the Services).

    3. Grineo is enrolled and registered with the Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) as a provider of digital currency exchange services, in accordance with the AML/CTF Act. Grineo’s AUSTRAC registration number is DCE100823378-001 for Digital currency exchange provider and IND100823378-001 for money remittance.
    4. Grineo is not licensed by any other regulator in Australia, including but not limited to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission and Australian Prudential Regulation Authority. Grineo holds an authority from Hay Limited to distribute the Grineo Debit Card. The Grineo Debit Card, is a non-cash payment facility and can be applied for and accessed via the Grineo Website and/or App (see clause 1.14 below). Further information regarding the Grineo Debit Card is found in the respective Financial Services Guide, Target Market Determination, Product Disclosure Statement and Grineo Debit Card Terms and Conditions. To be issued a Grineo Debit Card, you may be required to undergo additional know your customer (KYC) requirements in addition to those which apply to your use of the App.
    5. Your Account may hold Digital Currencies solely in connection with the Services. Your Account cannot hold Fiat Currencies. Grineo does not purport to operate a non-cash payment facility regulated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (Corporations Act) or a purchased payment facility regulated under the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998 (Cth).  Your Grineo Account is not a bank account and is not subject to protection under the Australian Financial Claims Scheme. You are only permitted to access the Available Balance in each Digital Wallet in your Account. Grineo does not offer an overdraft or credit facility. In limited circumstances, your Account may incur a Negative Balance for technical or other reasons. If this occurs, you acknowledge and agree that any Negative Balance amount of your Account will be deemed an outstanding debt which is immediately due and payable by you to Grineo upon and from the time incurred until discharged by you.
    6. The Services are not within scope of the jurisdiction of the Australian Financial Complaints Authority. If you have a query or complaint in relation to the Services, you should contact the Grineo support team:

      Mail: Level 14, 5 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000

      Email: support@grineopay.com

      Website: Grineopay.com

    7. Nothing in these Terms, the Platform, the Services or any other material published or made available by us (whether in print or online) should be taken as legal, taxation, or financial product advice. You should not purchase any Digital Currency for speculative purposes. Any purchases of Digital Currency should be considered to be high risk and you should undertake your own due diligence and seek your own independent taxation, financial and legal advice.
    8. By accessing or continuing to use our Platform and Services, which includes but is not limited to downloading the App and creating an Account, you agree to be bound by these Terms and acknowledge that you have read and understood them. If you do not accept these Terms, you must immediately cease using our Platform and the Services.
    9. We reserve the right to amend these Terms from time to time by uploading the new Terms to our Website and informing you of changes via the Website or the App. You will be asked to review and accept any changes to the new Terms before continuing to use the Services. If you continue to use the Services or access the Platform after the notice of change is posted and becomes effective, you will continue to be legally bound by the amended Terms.
    10. Where we decide to make a material change to these Terms, we will give you at least seven (7) days’ notice by email before the change to enable you sufficient time to decide whether you wish to continue to use the Platform and the Services.
    11. Where there is inconsistency between the Website and the content on the Platform and these Terms, these Terms will prevail.
    12. These Terms constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to their subject matter and supersede all prior agreements and understandings between you and us in connection with the Services.
    13. Additional terms may apply in relation to your use of the Platform and the Services, including promotional campaigns, and other functions and services which we provide to you such as the Grineo Debit Card. Additional terms and conditions will be notified to you from time to time.
    14. You can access the Grineo Debit Card Term and Conditions here. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and the Grineo Debit Card Terms and Conditions, the Grineo Debit Card Terms and Conditions will prevail.
    15. All capitalised terms in these Terms have the meanings in clause 2, unless otherwise defined in these Terms.
  2. Definitions

    1. The following rules of interpretation apply in these Terms unless the context requires otherwise:
      1. singular includes plural and plural includes singular;
      2. reference to legislation includes any amendments to it, any legislation substituted for it, and any statutory instruments issued under it and in force;
      3. reference to a person includes a corporation, joint venture, association, government body, firm and any other entity;
      4. reference to a party includes that party’s personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns;
      5. references to time mean that time in New South Wales, Australia;
      6. if a party comprises two or more persons:
        1. reference to a party means each of the persons individually and any two or more of them jointly;
        2. a promise by that party binds each of them individually and all of them jointly;
        3. a right given to that party is given to each of them individually;
        4. a representation, warranty or undertaking by that party is made by each of them individually;
      7. headings do not affect interpretation;
      8. another grammatical form of a defined expression has a corresponding meaning;
      9. a provision must not be construed against a party only because that party put the provision forward; and
      10. a provision must be read down to the extent necessary to be valid; if it cannot be read down to that extent, it must be severed.
    2. In these Terms:
      1. AML/CTF Act means the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth);
      2. Applicable Law means any mandatory statute, law, regulation, ordinance, rule, determination, judgement, rule of law, order, decree, permit, requirement, or any provision of condition or any permit, license or other authorisation issued by any governmental and/or judicial authority having or asserting jurisdiction over the matter in question, whether now or hereafter in effect, in any jurisdiction, that is applicable to a Party;
      3. Affiliates means as to any corporation, partnership, limited liability company, association, trust, unincorporated entity or other legal entity (each a Person), any other Person that directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with the specified Person. The term “control” as used herein (including the terms controlling, controlled by, or under common control with) shall mean possession, directly or indirectly of at least fifty percent (50%) of the voting equity of another entity (or other comparable interest for an entity other than a corporation), or the power to direct or cause the direction of the management or policies of an entity whether through ownership of securities, by contract or otherwise;
      4. AUD means Australian Dollars;
      5. Available Balancemeans an amount of Digital Currency available in one or more Digital Wallets in your Grineo Account at a particular point in time which you can view by using the Grineo App;
      6. Business Day means any day except a Saturday or a Sunday or other public holiday in New South Wales, Australia;
      7. Claim includes a claim, notice, demand, action, proceeding, litigation, investigation, however arising whether present, unascertained, immediate, future or contingent, whether based in contract, tort, statute or otherwise and whether involving a third party or otherwise and where and to the extent the context permits, includes all associated Loss;
      8. Consequential Loss means any loss recoverable at law which is:
        1. as a result of a breach of these Terms and:
          1. the loss does not arise naturally (that is, according to the usual course of things) from the breach; or
          2. the loss was not reasonably in the contemplation of the parties at the time of making these Terms, as the probable result of any breach of it; or
        2. a loss of opportunity, expectations, reputation or goodwill;
        3. a loss of revenue or profits, expected revenue or gains;
        4. a loss of use and/or loss or corruption of data;
        5. a loss of anticipated savings or business; or
        6. any costs or expenses incurred in connection with the foregoing;
      9. Digital Currency or Digital Currencies means any cryptographic tokens (also referred to as cryptocurrencies) offered for purchase or supported by us as indicated in the Grineo App from time-to-time, including but not limited to Stablecoins;
      10. Digital Wallet means a public address that is capable of receiving and holding Digital Currencies;
      11. Fiat Currency means Australian Dollars or any other currency established as legal tender by Applicable Law (except Bitcoin);
      12. Force Majeure Event has the meaning given to that term by clause 32 of these Terms;
      13. Grineo Account or Account means your account with Grineo which you registered in accordance with these Terms for the purpose of transacting in Digital Currencies;
      14. Grineo App or App means the mobile application provided by us to users via a digital distribution service such as the AppStore (for Apple devices) or Google Play (for Android devices);
      15. Grineo Materials means the Grineo App, the Website, any social media accounts associated with Grineo and all related content, materials and information;
      16. IGA means the Interactive Gambling Act 2001 (Cth);
      17. Intellectual Property Rights means any and all present and future intellectual property rights, conferred by statute, at common law or in equity and wherever existing, including:
        1. patents, inventions, discoveries, designs, copyright, moral rights, trade marks, service marks, trade names, brand names, business names, product names, domain names or rights in designs, art, images, drawings, know how, product names, trading styles, get-up, processes, methodologies, trade secrets and any other rights subsisting in the results of intellectual effort in any field, whether or not registered or capable of registration;
        2. any application or right to apply for registration of any of these rights or other rights of a similar nature arising or capable of arising under statute or at common law anywhere in the world;
        3. other intellectual property as defined in Article 2 of the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation 1967;
        4. any registration of any of those rights or any registration of any application referred to in paragraph (2); and
        5. all renewals and extensions of these rights;
      18. Interactive Gambling Service means a gambling service regulated or restricted under the IGA and includes a regulated interactive gambling service that is a wagering service;
      19. Loss includes any loss, damage, cost, charge, liability or expense (including legal costs and expenses) and Consequential Loss of any kind;
      20. Negative Balance means an Available Balance of your Account of less than zero and which amount is immediately due and payable by you to Grineo;
      21. Order means any instruction, request, or order given to us by you in relation to the operation of your Account or to execute any Transaction, through such medium and in such form and manner as Grineo may require;
      22. Passkey means a unique public and private key pair that relies on biometric identification to create and authenticate accounts and to protect access to the Grineo App;
      23. Personal Data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person and processed by us, our Affiliates, or relevant third parties;
      24. Personnel means any employee, contractor, subcontractor, agent, partner, shareholder, ultimate beneficial owner, director or officer of a Party;
      25. Privacy Policy means the private policy referred to in clause 23;
      26. Platform has the meaning defined in clause 1.1;
      27. Process means to perform an operation or set of operations on data, content or information, whether or not by automated means, including to collect, record, organise, structure, store, adapt or alter, retrieve, consult, use, disclose by transmission, disseminate or otherwise make available, align, combine, restrict, erase or destroy;
      28. Restricted Jurisdiction means a jurisdiction where users are restricted from using the Services in accordance with Applicable Law, including but not limited to those promulgated by the United National Security Council (UNSC), the United States Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and/or the Australian Government Department of Foreign Assets and Trade (DFAT) or any other applicable regime;
      29. Services has the meaning given in clause 1.2;
      30. Stablecoin means a Digital Currency that is:
        1. a digital representation of monetary value intended or purported to maintain a stable value relative to a Fiat Currency; and
        2. capable of being redeemed for AUD or another Fiat Currency; and
        3. specified as accepted by us for deposit into your Grineo Account for use of the Services, as indicated in the Grineo App from time-to-time;
      31. Transaction means selling, purchasing, transferring, or withdrawing or entering into any other type of transactions, or agreeing to sell, purchase or enter into any other type of transactions, involving Digital Currencies, Fiat Currency, or other asset(s) or product(s) as we may from time to time permit to be carried out on the Platform, including all transactions using the Grineo Debit Card;
      32. User Wallet means any Digital Wallet that is used by you to deposit Digital Currency into or from your Grineo Account;
      33. Visitor Materials has the meaning given in clause 22.1; and
      34. Website means https://grineopay.com.
  3. Your Account

    1. You may access some areas of our Website and the App without registering your details with us. These Terms will apply to you when accessing the Website and the App as applicable, even if you do not open an Account. To use the Services, you must provide us with some of your personal information and register an Account via the App.
    2. You must satisfy the following eligibility criteria to qualify to open and use a Grineo Account:
      1. you are an individual person; and
      2. you are aged eighteen (18) years or older and have the legal capacity to enter into these Terms in the jurisdiction in which you reside; and
      3. you have the full right, power, and authority to agree to these Terms; and
      4. if you are using the Services on behalf of an organisation or entity, you represent and warrant that you have the authority to bind such organisation or entity to these Terms; and
      5. you are not, and are not an agent or acting on behalf of, a person listed on, any sanctions list or equivalent maintained by the UNSC, OFAC and/or DFAT or any other applicable regime or located in a Restricted Jurisdiction;
      6. you are not, and are not an agent or acting on behalf of, an Interactive Gambling Service; and
      7. you have a valid Australian residential address; and
      8. you are not impersonating any other person, operating under an alias or otherwise concealing your true identity.
    3. If at any point in time you do not satisfy any of the above eligibility criteria, you must immediately cease using your Grineo Account.
    4. To create an Account, you must submit:
      1. your contact details such as your first name, last name, and date of birth; and
      2. and any other information we may request to identify you or verify your Account, including (but not limited to) your address, identity document and photo or likeness.
    5. All personal information you provide through the Platform will be collected, handled and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
    6. You agree to keep your Account information accurate and complete. You will not be able to use the Platform or our Services if you provide invalid, expired or incorrect information.
    7. It is important you keep your App, Account and passwords secure. This means that you must not write down any password either on something you carry with you or share your password with any other person.
    8. You acknowledge and agree that you are responsible for any activity that occurs through your Account and you will not sell, transfer, license or assign your Account to anyone else. You agree that you will not create an Account for another person, and will not possess more than one Account, unless permitted by us in writing.
  4. Order

    1. You must ensure that any Order submitted is complete and accurate, and you consent to the execution of such Orders through the Grineo App. We are not required to verify the accuracy, authenticity or validity of any Order and will not monitor or reject Orders on the basis that they are, or appear to be, duplicates. However, if we are in doubt as to the accuracy, authenticity or validity of an Order, we may refuse to act upon or defer acting upon any Order, or seek further information with respect to the Order.
    2. Orders are irrevocable and therefore once an Order has been submitted, you have no right to rescind or withdraw it without our written consent. Your Order is not deemed to be received by us until it has been received by our server. Our record of all Orders will be conclusive and binding on you for all purposes.
    3. By submitting an Order you are authorising us to initiate the Transaction in relation to your Account. We are therefore authorised to credit or debit (or provide settlement information to third parties for the purposes of the third party crediting or debiting) your Digital Wallet or User Wallet in Digital Currency in accordance with your Orders. If you have insufficient Digital Currency in your Account to effect a Transaction (i.e. less than the required amount to settle the Transaction and to pay all the fees associated with the Transaction), then we have the right to refuse to effect any Transaction. It is your responsibility to hold sufficient Digital Currency credited in your Account.
    4. You are aware that Orders and information transmitted on the Platform or by email are generally transmitted via the internet and may be routed via public infrastructure which are not specifically protected. We cannot guarantee that the Orders and information transmitted will be completely protected against unauthorised access, and you accept the associated risks. You are also aware that due to the technological features of Digital Currencies, your transaction information in relation to Digital Currency may be stored on a blockchain, and therefore will be public and viewable by anyone.
    5. We do not own or control the underlying software protocols which govern the operation of Digital Currency. Generally, the underlying protocols are “open source” and anyone can use, copy, modify, and distribute them. We assume no responsibility for the operation of the underlying protocols and we do not guarantee the functionality or security of network operations. You acknowledge and accept the risk that underlying software protocols relating to any Digital Currency you store in your Digital Wallet may change.
    6. Whenever you use the Grineo Debit Card to make a payment pursuant to the Grineo Debit Card Terms and Conditions, you also submit an Order for a Transaction under these Terms
  5. Transactions

    1. You may enter into Transactions which may or may not be facilitated by us.
    2. We may rely on third party servicers or public blockchains, and do not represent or warrant that any Transaction will be completed successfully or within a specific time period.
    3. You can only transfer from and withdraw Digital Currency to your User Wallet and represent that each User Wallet is owned or registered in your name and any Digital Currency is beneficially owned by you.
    4. Prior to opening an Account or acting on your Orders, we may conduct checks for the purposes of preventing fraud, money laundering, terrorist financing and other financial crimes, and as required by Applicable Law. This may mean you are prevented or delayed from carrying out a Transaction until those checks are completed to our reasonable satisfaction in order to comply with our regulatory requirements.
    5. You acknowledge that, due to the volatility of Digital Currencies, and the timing of public blockchains, including variable block times, network congestion and slippage, your Orders may not be executed at the market price prevailing at the time of your Order to us. While we will endeavour to obtain the best available price for any Digital Currency we supply for any Transaction, we cannot guarantee that we will obtain the best available price and will use our best endeavours to supply the Digital Currency at a reasonable market price, determined in our absolute discretion. You will remain on risk at all times for any price movements relating to your Digital Currency from the time we enter into a Transaction with you.
    6. Unsupported Digital Currencies
      1. You should never attempt to send us Digital Currency which is not supported by Grineo or send Digital Currency to a Digital Wallet which does not support the relevant Digital Currency, as doing so may result in total loss of your Digital Currency. Grineo does not accept any liability for loss of Digital Currency sent by you to a wrong or incompatible Digital Wallet.
      2. Grineo may in its sole discretion terminate support for any Digital Currency and, where possible, will give you reasonable advance notice of any such termination subject to Applicable Laws and legal, regulatory and compliance requirements. In case of termination of support for a Digital Currency, you must withdraw or transfer the Digital Currency from your Account during such notice period, otherwise you may lose the Digital Currency and Grineo will not be responsible to reimburse you such Digital Currency.
    7. You are responsible for the control and use of your Account. As such, we will assume that you have authorised any Order sent from your Account unless we are notified otherwise. It is important that you monitor your Account History to ensure any unauthorised or suspicious activity on your Account is identified and notified to us as soon as possible. We are not responsible for any Claim or Losses resulting from a Transaction executed as a result of an unauthorised Order unless you have notified us in accordance with this clause.
    8. To facilitate compliance with global industry standards for data retention, you agree to permit us (but agree to not require us) to keep a record of all Transaction information for the lifetime of your Account as long as it is required to fulfil their intended purposes, or such other period as prescribed by any Applicable Law. Please review our Privacy Policy for more information on how we collect and use data relating to the use and performance of our Platform and the Services.
    9. When you use the Grineo Debit Card (issued by Hay Limited) to make a payment at merchants (in-store or online) or via an ATM, Grineo will treat this transaction as a Transaction.
    10. You acknowledge that restrictions apply to your ability to transfer or withdraw Digital Currency from a Digital Wallet that has been linked to a Grineo Debit Card. Once a Grineo Debit Card has been linked to a Digital Wallet within your Account, you can only withdraw and spend the Digital Currency in that Digital Wallet using your Grineo Debit Card to make ATM cash withdrawals or as a payment method at merchants that accept Visa debit cards. You cannot instruct us to execute any other kind of Transaction from a Digital Wallet that has been linked to a Grineo Debit Card.
    11. You acknowledge that once an Order is accepted by Grineo and a Transaction occurs, Grineo will convert the requisite amount of Digital Currency for the Transaction from your Available Balance into Fiat Currency and will temporary hold these funds at an authorised deposit-taking institution (ADI). The funds are then transferred via bank accounts held by Hay Limited at ADIs to the relevant merchant, with the Transaction being settled by Visa.
    12. You acknowledge that your Available Balance will be updated in real time to reflect any Orders from your Grineo Account that have been approved by Grineo.
    13. In limited circumstances, we may process your Order and execute a Transaction that results in your Grineo Account having a Negative Balance. This may occur where, for example, you use your Grineo Card to make:
      1. a Transaction which results in a temporary holding charge being made to your Grineo Card where the full Transaction amount is only charged to the Card subsequently; or
      2. a foreign currency Transaction where the exchange rate changes between the time the Transaction is authorised and settlement of the same.
    14. If your Account has a Negative Balance for any reason, the Negative Balance shall be immediately due and payable by you to Grineo without further notice to you. Further, we may, in our sole discretion, suspend your Grineo Account (including any Digital Wallet associated with the Account) and Grineo Debit Card until you have discharged the Negative Balance and returned your Available Balance to zero or more.
    15. You acknowledge and agree that Grineo may treat any failure to discharge a Negative Balance as a breach of Clause 5.14 and, if you fail to discharge any Negative Balance within 30 days from the time incurred, Grineo may terminate your Account, Grineo Debit Card and your access to the Platform in accordance with clause 27.2.
    16. You are prohibited from using the Platform or the Services to make Transactions in connection with an Interactive Gambling Service, including transferring Digital Currency to an Interactive Gambling Service.
  6. Fees

    1. You agree to pay all applicable fees in connection with your use of the Services as set out on the Fees and Charges page on our Website, or otherwise communicated to you in any relevant communications.
    2. You authorise us to deduct all applicable fees, commissions, interest, charges and other sums that you owe from your Account under these Terms in accordance with the method of calculation set out on our Fees and Charges page. If you owe us an amount in one Digital Currency and do not have sufficient assets in that Digital Currency, we may deduct the sums owed in another Digital Currency to effect payment (in which case we will convert the Digital Currency you hold into the Digital Currency in which the sums owed to us are denominated (or the Fiat Currency equivalent), at the rate currently offered on the Platform or at such other commercially reasonable rate as we may determine). In the event that there is insufficient Digital Currency in your Account, you acknowledge that any amount due and payable from you under this clause is a debt immediately due and owing by you to us in such amount and form (whether in the form of a Digital Currency or otherwise) as we may determine, acting in a commercially reasonable manner.
    3. In addition to our fees, we may also include a “spread” within our quoted Digital Currency prices. Your continued use of the Services constitutes your express consent to the application of such spread.
    4. Merchants and financial institutions may also impose fees or surcharges which are separate to the fees and charges charged by Grineo. You acknowledge that we have no control over these third party fees and that we cannot challenge these fees once a Transaction has been approved by you.
    5. From time to time, we may also make changes to the fees set out in the Fees and Charges page on our Website, which includes introducing new fees and/or charges. If we increase any fee, we will give you seven (7) days’ notice in advance of any change being made. If you do not wish to accept the changes, you are free to close your Account or discontinue your use of the Services. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you have accepted the change and your continued access to or use of the Platform and/or the Services will be deemed acceptance of the updated fees and charges.
  7. Licence

    Subject to your acceptance of these Terms, we grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable licence to access and use the Platform for the Services solely for your own personal, non-commercial purposes.

  8. Warranties

    1. In Australia, our services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth) (Australian Consumer Law).
    2. Nothing in these Terms excludes, restricts or modifies or purports to exclude, restrict any mandatory conditions, warranties and undertakings, right or liability arising under or implied into these Terms under the Australian Consumer Law or Applicable Laws.
    3. The Services and the Platform areprovided to you strictly on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You acknowledge that:
      1. your use of the Services and the Platform is at your own risk;
      2. prior to accepting these Terms you have been given a reasonable opportunity to examine and satisfy yourself regarding the Services and the Platform, which are the subject of these Terms;
      3. at no time prior to accepting these Terms have you relied on our skill or judgement and that it would be unreasonable for you to do so;
      4. we do not make any guarantees as to the price at which certain Digital Currency will be purchased or sold;
      5. we do not have any responsibility to obtain the ‘best available price’ for any Digital Currency we supply for any Transaction, but we will use our best endeavours to supply the Digital Currency at a reasonable market price, determined in our absolute discretion; and
      6. although we intend to provide accurate and timely information on the Website, App and Platform, we do not make any representations or warranties concerning any content contained in or accessed through the Website, App and the Platform, including that such information will be accurate, complete and up to date. You must make your own assessment of the relevance, timeliness, accuracy, adequacy, commercial value, completeness and reliability of the materials, information, views, opinion, projection or estimate provided on the Website, App and/or the Platform.
    4. To the maximum extent permitted by law, all other warranties or conditions which are not guaranteed by law are expressly excluded, including liability for Consequential Loss caused by breach of any express or implied warranty or condition. In particular, we do not warrant:
      1. that your access to the Services or the Platform will be free from interruptions, errors or viruses; or
      2. the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of information on the Services or Platform (nor do we undertake to keep our Website or App updated).
  9. Limitation of Liability

    1. In the absence of any material breach of these Terms by us or gross negligence, fraud, or wilful misconduct by us when providing the Services to you under these Terms, we will not be liable to you on account of anything done, omitted or suffered by us when providing the Services to you under these Terms.
    2. As long as we have undertaken reasonable precautions, we are not and will not be responsible for things outside of our control like:
      1. you have not kept your Grineo Account or Passkey reasonably secure;
      2. any third party or linked website, content, products and services (including interference with or damage to your computer or mobile devices arising in connection with any such use)
      3. delays or interruptions not caused by us;
      4. transactions not being able to be processed, including due to market or counterparty failure or blockchain congestion or attacks;
      5. any failure or lack of security measures by us, or any third party including in relation to Digital Currency or the storage or transfer of data;
      6. viruses, malicious codes or other forms of interference affecting the Services or the Platform.
    3. We make no, and neither Party shall rely upon any, representations or warranties regarding the Services, the Platform, or any other Grineo service or product, except those explicitly stipulated in these Terms.
    4. To the maximum extent permitted at law, the total liability of Grineo and any of its Personnel, Affiliates, and third party suppliers in contract, tort or otherwise (including negligence) arising directly out of or in connection with these Terms and/or the provision of the Services or performance or observance of their respective obligations under these Terms and every applicable part of it, shall be limited to the maximum value of a Transaction processed due to any error or, for other things that those parties may be responsible for, the total amount of your Available Balance in your Account at a given time.
    5. Grineo, any of its Affiliates, Personnel, and third party suppliers, will not be liable for any Consequential Loss.
  10. Digital Currency Title

    All Digital Currency held in your Account are assets held by Grineo for your benefit on a custodial basis. Among other things, this means:

    1. Title to Digital Currency shall at all times remain with you and shall not transfer to Grineo or any of its Affiliates. As the owner of Digital Currency in your Account, you shall bear all risk of loss of such Digital Currency.
    2. None of the Digital Currency in your Account is the property of, or shall or may be loaned to, Grineo; Grineo does not represent or treat assets in a user’s Account(s) as belonging to Grineo. Grineo may not grant a security interest in the Digital Currency held in your Account. Except as required by a valid court order, or except as provided herein, Grineo will not sell, transfer, loan, hypothecate, or otherwise alienate Digital Currency in your Account unless instructed by you or compelled by a court of competent jurisdiction to do so.
    3. You control the Digital Currency held in your Account. At any time, subject to outages, downtime, protocol requirements, time to conduct blockchain operations to fulfill your request, and other applicable policies, you may withdraw your Digital Currency by sending them to a User Wallet controlled by you.
    4. Grineo is under no obligation to issue any replacement Digital Currency in the event that any Digital Currency, Passkey, password or private key is lost, stolen, malfunctioning, destroyed, sent to the incorrect address or otherwise inaccessible.
    5. Grineo shall hold Digital Currency for each user in one or more Digital Wallets and shall hold each type or types of Digital Currency in separate Digital Wallets. Grineo holds separate Digital Wallet or Digital Wallets for each user, and does not comingle Digital Currencies with other users or its own assets.
  11. Disclaimer

    1. The Platform and the Services are provided to you strictly on an “as is” and “as available” basis. You acknowledge that:
      1. your use of the Services is at your own risk and may also be subject to the other terms and conditions of the websites, products, and services provided by us or other third parties, including our Affiliates;
      2. prior to accepting these Terms, you have been given a reasonable opportunity to examine and satisfy yourself as to the contents of these Terms; and
      3. at no time prior to accepting these Terms have you relied on our skill or judgement, and you acknowledge that it would be unreasonable for you to do so.
    2. To the maximum extent permitted by law, we expressly exclude on our behalf and our third party suppliers, all warranties and conditions which are not guaranteed by law, including merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and liability for Consequential Loss in accordance with clause 9.5, or damage caused by breach of any express or implied warranty or condition.
  12. Your acknowledgements and warranties

    1. In using our Services and the Platform, you acknowledge and agree that:
      1. these Terms apply between you and us only; and
      2. there is a risk of malicious actors seeking to interfere with our Services and the Platform and that we expressly disclaim any liability for Loss associated with that circumstance as long as we have taken reasonable precautions to prevent this type of risk; and
      3. there is no professional relationship (including any attorney-client or advisor-advisee relationship) between you and us; and
      4. we are not providing fiduciary, advisory, trust or other similar services to you, or in connection with the Services or any Transaction, and Grineo does not act as a fiduciary, advisor or trustee in relation to you, your Account or Digital Currency, or the provision of the Services; and
      5. we provide the Services, and any software operating parts of the Services, including the Grineo Materials on an “as is” basis and that we make no representations or warranties regarding the software including that:
        1. the software is of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement or quiet enjoyment; and
        2. the software will be uninterrupted, secure, private, error free or free from harmful components or that any error will be fixed; and
        3. any data transmitted to the software by you will be secure or not otherwise lost or altered; and
        4. we are not liable for any harm or Loss suffered as a result of using the software in respect of trading, transacting, loss of any asset, including any Consequential Loss, whether due to a security breach or cyber attack, or electronic or technological failure, registration errors or for any other reason; and
        5. you understand that the price of Digital Currencies are volatile, and there are risks associated with purchasing Digital Currencies including but not limited to, the risk of purchasing counterfeit assets, mislabelled assets, assets that are vulnerable to metadata decay, assets on smart contracts with bugs, and assets that may become non-transferable. You acknowledge and accept such risks.
    2. In entering into these Terms, you represent and warrant to us that:
      1. any information provided to us by you is accurate and complete, including any Orders which you provide to us in relation to your Account and any Transaction;
      2. we are entitled to rely upon, and you are responsible for, all Orders provided in relation to the operation of your Account including in relation to any Transaction;
      3. we and our Affiliates and Personnel will be entitled to rely on the accuracy and completeness of any information provided by you;
      4. you have not entered into these Terms in reliance on or as a result of any statement or any conduct of any kind or on behalf of any other person;
      5. you have independently satisfied yourself in respect of all matters in connection with these Terms having had the opportunity to seek and obtain legal, financial and tax advice;
      6. entry into the Terms does not and will not violate any other agreement to which you are bound or any law, rule, regulation, order or judgment to which you are subject;
      7. you possess the legal capacity and authority to enter into these Terms and to form a binding agreement under any Applicable Law, to use the Platform or the Services in accordance with these Terms, and to fully perform your obligations hereunder;
      8. if you use the Platform or the Services on behalf of a business, corporate or charitable entity, you represent, warrant and agree:
        1. that you are duly authorised under any Applicable Law to represent such entity in connection with these Terms and to commit it to be bound by these Terms;
        2. make all representations and warranties herein on both your and its behalf; and
        3. personally guarantee performance by such entity;
      9. you are not, and do not act on behalf of, an Interactive Gambling Service and will not use the Platform or the Services in connection with, or to transfer Digital Currency to, any Interactive Gambling Service;
      10. you possess the knowledge and judgment necessary to decide whether to use the Platform or otherwise engage with us or use of the Services;
      11. you are solely responsible for complying with Applicable Law regarding your use of the Platform or the Services including, without limitation, the determination of whether use of the Platform or our Services complies with laws applicable to you; and
      12. you have read and agree to assume the risks identified above and as set out in this clause 12.
    3. Risk of cryptographic systems
      1. By using anything associated with the Services, or interacting with the Services you represent that you understand the inherent risks associated with cryptographic systems and warrant that you have an understanding of the usage, risks, potential bugs based on novel technology (where applicable), and intricacies of native cryptographic tokens, like Ether (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC), smart contract based tokens such as those that follow the Ethereum Token Standard, including but not limited to ERC-20 tokens as well as any other blockchain-based or Digital Currencies related system that you may encounter by or through your use of the Services; and
      2. You acknowledge and agree that cryptography is a progressing field. Advances in code cracking or technical advances such as the development of quantum computers may present risks to smart contracts and Digital Currencies which could result in the theft or loss of your cryptographic tokens or property, among other potential consequences. By using the Services you acknowledge and agree to undertake these risks.
      3. You acknowledge and agree transactions involving Digital Currencies (including Stablecoins) can be extremely risky and volatile. Digital Currencies may have unique features that make them more or less likely to fluctuate in value than other assets. For example, a Stablecoin may not trade, or be redeemable from the issuer at face value or wholly backed by liquid reserves held by the issuer. Such factors may affect the market price and liquidity for a particular Digital Currency. Grineo and its Affiliates shall have no liability for fluctuations in the Fiat Currency value of Digital Currency held in your Account.
      4. You acknowledge and agree that Blockchain networks may go offline as a result of bugs, forks, or other unforeseeable reasons which may also impact your use of the Services.
      5. As a general rule, having regard to these matters, if you have limited experience transacting with Digital Currencies and low risk tolerance, you should not use the Services.
    4. Risk of regulatory and tax actions

      You acknowledge and agree that there is a risk that the regulation and laws in respect of the Services and in respect of any tax actions in relation to the Services will change or be interpreted differently over time which may result in adverse tax or other consequences for you, and/or lead to Grineo not being able to continue to offer the Services in the same way or, in an extreme event, be unable to provide you with continued access.

    5. Platform security

      You acknowledge and agree that the Services and related applications include software code and are subject to flaws and acknowledge that you are solely responsible for evaluating the Services, Grineo Materials, and the trustworthiness of any third party websites, products, or content you access or use through the Services. This warning and others later provided by Grineo in no way evidence or represent an on-going duty to alert you to all of the potential risks of utilising the Services.

    6. Software updates and features

      We may, in our sole discretion, but are not obliged to, make updates to the Platform and the Services, including the software, and remove features present in the Services at our sole discretion.

  13. Indemnity

    1. You shall indemnify us and our Personnel and keep us and our Personnel indemnified at all times to the fullest extent permitted by law in respect of any Loss or Claim which we or our Affiliates or our Personnel may suffer, sustain, or incur arising from, or connected with:
      1. any breach of representations and warranties given by you in these Terms;
      2. your wrongful or improper use of the Services, including wilful misconduct, fraud or negligence;
      3. your violation of any third party right, including without limitation any third party Intellectual Property Rights;
      4. you having not kept your Grineo Account or Passkey reasonably secure;
      5. any debt owed by you under these Terms as a consequence of your Account having a Negative Balance; and
      6. your violation of Applicable Laws.
  14. User Data

    1. Notwithstanding any other term of this Agreement, you acknowledge and agree that:
      1. we may Process User Data that has been aggregated and sufficiently -identified such that identification of the underlying user (as the source of the information) is not reasonably possible (Aggregated Data);
      2. we shall own all Intellectual Property Rights and other rights in the Aggregated Data; and
      3. we may use the Aggregated Data for any purpose, including for purposes that are not related to the Services or these Terms. Without limitation, we may Process, use, reproduce, communicate, licence, broadcast, distribute, publish, commercialise, disseminate and exploit the Aggregated Data for any purpose.
    2. You hereby assign absolutely to us, free of all encumbrances, and we accept the assignment from you, of all of the your right, title and interest throughout the world in relation to the Aggregated Data as and when it comes into existence.
  15. Specific Warnings

    1. You must ensure that your access to and use of the Platform or the Services is not illegal or prohibited by Applicable Laws in the jurisdiction in which you are located. Some jurisdictions regulate the holding of Digital Currency and you should ensure you are compliant with local laws and regulations.
    2. You must take your own precautions to ensure that the process which you employ for accessing the Services and the Platform does not expose you to the risk of hacks, security breach, viruses, malicious computer code or other forms of interference emanating from the Services, the Platform (or any linked services) which may result in loss of Digital Currencies, data and/or damage your own computer systems or device.
    3. You agree that you will not rely on any information contained on our Website, the Platform or the availability of such information and that any decision you make in relation to the Services and the Platform will be as a result of your own independent assessment of such information.
  16. Anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing

    1. As a provider of the Services, we must comply with the AML/CTF Act and its related regulations. There are several obligations under the AML/CTF Act which we must comply with including KYC and certain reporting obligations. Accordingly, as part of the application process and from time to time we will require evidence of who you are, where you live and other personal information. We collect and manage your Personal Data in accordance with our Privacy Policy. As part of our legal obligations, we need to verify this information and accordingly, we check the information you provide against records maintained by credit reporting and fraud prevention agencies/organisations. However, we don’t perform a credit check on you and the searches we perform are only for verifying your identity in accordance with KYC requirements.
    2. Grineo may, in our sole discretion, block, delay, freeze or refuse transactions or suspend or close your Grineo Account and Grineo Debit Card where we reasonably consider that a transaction is or may be fraudulent or in breach of the AML/CTF Act or where we have concerns regarding your money laundering or terrorism financing risk. If this is the case, we will block your Grineo Account until we re-verify your identity and deem it appropriate to unblock your access. We are not responsible for any Losses that arise to you where this occurs. Where we can, we will let you know why we have stopped the transaction or froze the Grineo Account. However, in some cases our legal obligations will stop us from being able to tell you and failing to inform you of the reasons is not a breach by us of these Terms.
  17. Taxation

    Each Party is solely responsible for any taxation which arises as a result of using the Services including capital gains or income tax and you shall have no Claim for any Loss against us in respect of any taxation amounts you are due to pay howsoever such amounts arise. We recommend you obtain tax or accounting advice in relation to tax obligations which may apply to you in relation to your use of the Services.

  18. Copyright

    1. The content of the Platform, our Website and the Services (including its “look and feel”, text, graphics, images, logos, icons, photographs, editorial content, sound recordings, software and other material) is owned by us or licensed to us by third parties and protected under Applicable Law.
    2. Other than for the purposes of, and subject to the conditions prescribed under, the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) and similar legislation which applies in the jurisdiction in which you are located, and except as expressly authorised by these Terms or in writing by us, you may not in any form or by any means:
      1. copy, adapt, reproduce, store, distribute, print, display, perform, publish or create derivative works from any part of the Platform or the Services; or
      2. commercialise any information, products or services obtained from any part of the Platform or the Services.
    3. All rights not expressly granted under these Terms are expressly reserved.
  19. Links in the Services

    1. The Platform and the Services may contain links to linked services. Those links are provided for convenience only and may not remain current or be updated by us.
    2. We are not:
      1. responsible for the content or privacy policies or practices of persons or companies associated with linked services; and
      2. liable to you or any other person for any Loss arising in respect of use or access to linked services.
      When you access any linked services you do so entirely at your own risk.
    3. Linked services should not be construed as an endorsement, approval or recommendation by us of the owners or operators of those linked services, or of any information, graphics, materials, products or services referred to or contained on those linked websites, unless and to the extent stipulated to the contrary.
    4. Your interactions with organisations and/or individuals found on or through the Platform or the Services, including payment and delivery of goods or services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties, or representations associated with such dealings, are solely between you and such organisations and/or individuals. You should make whatever investigation you feel necessary or appropriate before proceeding with any online or offline transaction with any of these third parties. You agree that Grineo, its Affiliates and Personnel shall not be responsible or liable for any Loss of any sort incurred as the result of any such dealings.
  20. Grineo Materials

    1. We do not grant you any Intellectual Property Rights in any thing (including information and content such as films, sound recordings, literary works and artistic works, whether in a material form or not) in the Grineo Materials.
    2. Any use or disclosure (including reproductions and communications to the public) of any Grineo Materials are provided by you on the basis that:
      1. such use and disclosure is at your own risk, including the risk of being sued for intellectual property infringement or misleading or deceptive conduct;
      2. you ensure that all links to Grineo Materials are presented or able to be used in a way that makes it clear to a viewer or user of the links or linked materials that the source of the Grineo Materials is Grineo;
      3. you ensure that anyone who uses or reproduces your links to the Grineo Materials does so on the same terms as a person who accesses the Grineo Materials directly from our Website or the Platform;
      4. you ensure that anyone who uses or reproduces your links to the Grineo Materials is not able to circumvent the limits (including technological restrictions and as to location) applying in respect of the Grineo Materials were the Grineo Materials to be accessed or sought to be accessed directly from our Website rather than via their links;
      5. you do not link the Grineo Materials in a way that damages or takes advantage of our reputation, including in a way that suggests or implies that you have any association or affiliation with us or approval or endorsement; and
      6. you otherwise comply with our directions, including any take down or cease or desist directions.
  21. Proper Use

    1. You must only use the Platform and the Services for lawful purposes. You are prohibited from doing any act that we, acting reasonably, consider to be inappropriate, or which is unlawful or prohibited by any Applicable Laws applicable to the Platform or the Services, including but not limited to any act which would constitute a breach of privacy, a breach of the IGA, or using the Platform or the Services to defame or libel us, our Personnel or any other person.
    2. You must not:
      1. use the Platform or our Services in order to, or at any time impersonate any other person or entity;
      2. use the Services or interact with the Services in a manner that jeopardises the security of your Account or anyone else’s (such as allowing someone else to log on as you);
      3. reverse engineer the code contained in the Services, our Website or the Platform or upload files which contain viruses or malware which may cause damage to our property or the property of other individuals or post or transmit to the Platform or our Services any material which we have not authorised including material which is, in our sole opinion, likely to cause annoyance, or which is racist, defamatory, obscene, threatening, pornographic or otherwise or which is detrimental to or in violation of our security protocols;
      4. damage, disrupt, interfere with or misuse the Services or the Platform, including by data mining, hacking, data harvesting or scraping or using similar data gathering and extraction tools in respect of the Services or the Platform;
      5. launch any automated program or script, including web crawlers, web robots, web indexers, bots, viruses or worms or any program which makes multiple server requests per second or impairs the operation and/or performance of the Platform;
      6. rent, lease, loan, trade, sell/re-sell or otherwise monetise the Services or the Platform or related data or access to the same; or
      7. use any device, software or routine intended to damage or interfere with the proper working of the Services or to intercept or sequester any system, data, images or other multimedia elements from the Platform.
  22. Visitor Material

    1. Other than information about an identifiable individual, which is covered under our Privacy Policy, any material you post, transmit or upload to the Platform (including without limitation, reviews) (Visitor Material) will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary.
    2. You consent to any act or omission which would otherwise constitute an infringement of your moral rights you may have in respect of Visitor Material. This consent survives any termination of these Terms.
    3. You agree that we will have no obligations with respect to any Visitor Material, and that we and anyone we designate will be free to copy, disclose, distribute, incorporate and otherwise use any Visitor Material and all data images, sounds, text and other things embodied in the Visitor Material for any and all commercial and non-commercial purposes.
    4. Any information and content (including Visitor Material) that you share or post may be seen by other Members, Visitors or others (including off of the Services). Where we have made settings available, we will use reasonable commercial endeavours to honour the choices you make about who can see content or information.
    5. By posting, uploading or transmitting any Visitor Material, you represent and warrant that any Visitor Material does not and will not:
      1. breach any Applicable Law;
      2. contain any viruses or any other harmful program;
      3. contain any defamatory, obscene or offensive material;
      4. promote violence or discrimination;
      5. infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of another person;
      6. breach any legal duty owed to a third party (such as a duty of confidence);
      7. promote illegal activity or breach the privacy of any other person;
      8. be threatening, abuse or invade another person’s privacy or be likely to harass, upset, embarrass or annoy any other person;
      9. give the impression that the Visitor Material originates from us;
      10. be used to impersonate another person or to misrepresent your affiliation with another person;
      11. execute any form of auto-responder or “spam” within the Platform or in connection with the Services, or any processes that run or are activated while you are not logged into the Platform, or that otherwise interfere with the proper working of the Services and the Platform (including by placing an unreasonable load on the Platform or the Services’ infrastructure); or
      12. contain any unsanctioned advertising, promotional materials, or other forms of unsanctioned solicitation, including without limitation, junk mail, spam, chain letters or any unsolicited mass distribution of email.
    6. The prohibited acts set out in clause 22.5 are not exhaustive. There is no tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users. If we become aware of harmful content or conduct we will take appropriate actions within 24 hours by removing the content and ejecting the user who provided the offending content.
    7. You grant us an irrevocable, perpetual, exclusive, transferable, royalty free worldwide licence to use, copy, modify and distribute any Visitor Material in any manner we think fit (including without limitation, by reproducing, altering or communicating the Visitor Material to the public). You also grant us the right to sublicense these rights.
    8. All Visitor Material contained on the Services is for information purposes only and does not constitute advice from us. Visitor Materials reflect the opinions of users who have used the Services and any statements, advice or opinions provided by such persons are theirs alone. To the maximum extent permitted by law, including any restrictions contained in the Australian Consumer Law, we assume no responsibility or liability to any person for any Visitor Materials, including without limitation, any errors, defamatory statements, obscenity, omissions or misrepresentations in any such Visitor Materials.
  23. Privacy Policy

    1. We undertake to comply with the terms of our Privacy Policy which is available here: https://grineopay.com/faq/terms-and-policy/privacy-policy/
    2. The Privacy Policy contains important information about the purposes for which we collect personal information, who the information may be disclosed to (including any overseas disclosures), how you can access and seek correction of the Personal Data held about you or how you can make a complaint about the handling of your Personal Data.
    3. By continuing to use the Platform and the Services, you confirm that you have read and understood the Privacy Policy and consent to us collecting, using, disclosing and sharing amongst ourselves your Personal Data and disclosing such Personal Data to our respective Affiliates, authorised service providers and relevant third parties for the purposes reasonably required by us to facilitate and administer your use of the Services we provide under these Terms.
    4. We are entitled at any time to satisfy our internal requirements in relation to your personal information (for example, by requesting relevant original documentation) including for the purposes of anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing purposes, particularly in relation to our obligations under the AML/CTF Act.
  24. Security of Information

    1. No data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed as totally secure. Whilst we strive to protect such information, we do not warrant and cannot ensure the security of any information which you transmit to us.
    2. Any information which you transmit to us is transmitted at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we will take reasonable steps to preserve the security of such information.
  25. Service Access

    While we endeavour to ensure the Platform, the App, the Website and our Services are available twenty four (24) hours a day, we are not under any obligation to do so, and will not be liable to you if the Services are unavailable at any time or for any period. Your access to the Account, the App, the Website, the Platform and our Services may also be restricted at our sole discretion, including where we consider such restrictions are necessary to comply with Applicable Laws.

  26. Closing your Account

    1. You can close your Grineo Account via the Grineo App. Your Grineo Account will be closed once any Negative Balance, pending payments and Transactions initiated prior to you opting to close your Grineo Account have been settled.
    2. You remain liable for any Transactions that occur or were not processed at the time the Grineo Account is closed.
    3. You must pay to us all unpaid fees, charges and any Negative Balance outstanding prior to closing your Grineo Account.
    4. Once the Grineo Account is closed and we are satisfied that all outstanding Transactions have been presented and settled and all unpaid fees, charges and any Negative Balance have been paid to us, we will refund you the Available Balance to your nominated User Wallets.
  27. Termination

    1. In the event that you breach any part of these Terms, we may immediately suspend your Account and provide you with a notice to remedy the breach within a reasonable time. If the breach is incapable of remedy or if you fail to remedy such breach, we may immediately terminate your Account and access to the Platform upon notice to you and refund your Available Balance of your Account (if any) to your nominated User Wallets.
    2. We may suspend or terminate your Account and Grineo Debit Card where:
      1. we have concerns about its security; or
      2. for the purpose of protecting your Available Balance where we suspect the Account or the Platform has been compromised; or
      3. if your Account has a Negative Balance in accordance with Clause 5.14 or 5.15.
    3. We may also suspend or terminate your Account and Grineo Debit Card, discontinue the provision of Services to you, or refuse or block a transaction, or to refund your Available Balance in our sole discretion, for legal, regulatory or compliance reasons or in accordance with Applicable Laws, including where we suspect that the Account has been, or will be, used for the purposes of:
      1. money laundering or terrorism financing;
      2. making or receiving Transactions in connection with, including transferring Digital Currency to, an Interactive Gambling Service, regardless of whether the service is provided by you or a third party, and regardless of where the service is provided;
      3. transacting in any way with a Restricted Jurisdiction or a person or Digital Wallet which appears on any sanctions list, including any list maintained by the UNSC, OFAC and/or DFAT or any other applicable regime; and/or
      4. conducting illicit or illegal activities.
    4. On termination of your Account for any reason, you lose the right to access or use the Account, the Platform, and the Services. Following termination we will have no further obligations or liabilities to you. Clauses 8, 9, 11 to 26, and 29 to 43 of these Terms shall expressly survive termination. Any exclusions of liability or other provisions contained in these Terms which by their nature survive termination of these Terms will survive any such termination.
  28. Sanctions Laws and Regulations

    1. You are prohibited from using the Platform if you, or any Digital Wallet address associated with your use of the Services is, or you are an agent or acting on behalf of any person listed on, any sanctions list or equivalent maintained by the UNSC, OFAC and/or DFAT or any other applicable regime.
    2. You acknowledge, agree and understand that if you are located in a Restricted Jurisdiction, you are not permitted to access or use the Services, even if you are located there temporarily, and restrictions may be applied to attempts to access the Platform accordingly. We may, at our sole and absolute discretion, implement controls to restrict access to the Platform and/or your Account in any Restricted Jurisdictions. We may block or geo-block persons located in certain Restricted Jurisdictions from accessing or using the Services. You acknowledge that this may impact your ability to interact with the Platform and the Services.
    3. We are not responsible for any Losses which may arise because you are not able to interact with or access the Platform because of any action taken by Grineo under this clause.
  29. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

    These Terms are governed by the laws of New South Wales and Australia. Subject to clause 30, the parties agree to submit any dispute or Claim arising out of, relating to or in connection with these Terms, the Platform and the Services, including its subject matter, formation, existence, validity or termination, to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New South Wales and the New South Wales division of the Federal Court of Australia and the Courts of Appeal from them.

  30. Alternative Dispute Resolution

    1. You must not begin legal proceedings in connection with a dispute arising out of or in connection with these Terms unless the steps in this clause have been followed. However, this limitation does not apply:
      1. to a Party who wants to apply for equitable relief or urgent interlocutory relief; or
      2. to a Party who attempts in good faith to comply with clauses 30.2, 30.3 and 30.4 but cannot do so because the other Party does not comply with those clauses.
    2. If a dispute arises out of or in connection with these Terms (including the validity, breach or termination of it), a Party may notify the other Party to the dispute. The notice must specify the dispute and indicate that the notifying Party wants the dispute to be referred to mediation.
    3. If the dispute is not resolved within 20 Business Days after a notice under clause 30.2 has been served (Notice Period), the dispute is by this clause 30.3 submitted to mediation
    4. The mediation must be conducted in New South Wales, Australia in accordance with the mediation guidelines/rules of the Resolution Institute, save any process in these Terms which is inconsistent with those guidelines or rules will take precedence to the extent of any inconsistency.
    5. If the Parties have not agreed on the mediator and the mediator’s remuneration within 15 Business Days after the end of the Notice Period:
      1. the mediator is the person appointed by; and
      2. the remuneration of the mediator is the amount of rate determined by,
      the President of the Law Institute of New South Wales or the President’s nominee, acting on the request of any Party.
    6. If the dispute is not resolved within 1 month after the appointment of the mediator, either Party may take legal proceedings in connection with the dispute.
    7. Each Party must keep confidential, all information relating to the subject matter of a dispute as disclosed during or for the purposes of dispute resolution under this clause 30, unless that Party is compelled by a regulatory or government authority, court or tribunal to disclose that information.
  31. Notices

    You can contact us via the Grineo App or the Website.
    1. We may give you any information, notices or other documents related to the Grineo Account by:
      1. notification (including a push notification) or message sent to you or your device through the Grineo App;
      2. by email to the email address nominated by you in the Grineo App; or
      3. by letter to the address nominated by you in the Grineo App; or
      4. by telephone call to the phone number associated with your Grineo Account.
    2. For communications sent to you:
      1. via the Grineo App, you are taken to have received the notice at the same date and time that we send the communication;
      2. via email to the email address nominated by you in the Grineo App, you are taken to have received the notice at the time and day the email is sent to your nominated email address, unless Grineo receives notification of failure of delivery; and
      3. sent to you by letter to the address nominated by you in the Grineo App, you are taken to have received the notice on the third Business Day after we have posted it to you.
  32. Force Majeure

    We will not be liable for any delay or failure to perform our obligations under these Terms if such delay is due to any circumstances beyond our reasonable control (including but not limited to epidemics, pandemics, blockchain congestion or attacks, Government sanctions or orders, whether known or unknown at the time the parties enter into these Terms) (Force Majeure Event).
  33. Waiver

    A provision of these Terms or a right created under it may not be waived except in writing signed by the Party granting the waiver. A waiver is limited to the instance referred to in the writing (or if no instance is referred to in the writing, to past breaches only). Failure or omission by any Party to enforce compliance with any provision of the Terms will not affect the right of that Party to use any remedy available to it in respect of a breach of that provision.
  34. Exercise of a right

    A Party may exercise a right at its discretion and separately or together with another right. If a Party exercises a single right or only partially exercises a right, then that Party may still exercise that right or any other right later. If a Party fails to exercise a right or delays in exercising a right, then that Party may still exercise that right later.
  35. Remedies cumulative

    The rights and remedies provided in these Terms are cumulative with and not exclusive of the rights and remedies provided by law independently of these Terms.
  36. No merger

    The rights and obligations of the Parties (including under the warranties) will not merge on completion of any Transaction under these Terms. They will survive the execution and delivery of any assignment or other document entered into for the purpose of implementing any Transaction.
  37. Assignment

    These Terms are for the benefit of the Parties and their successors and assigns. The Parties and their successors and assigns are bound by these Terms. We may assign our rights under these Terms to our Affiliate or any purchaser of Grineo’s business, without your consent, by giving notice to you at any time.
  38. Severance

    If any provision of these Terms are void, voidable, unenforceable, illegal, prohibited or otherwise invalid in a jurisdiction, in that jurisdiction the provision must be read down to the extent it can be to save it but if it cannot be saved by reading it down, words must be severed from the provision to the extent they can be to save it but if that also fails to save it the whole provision must be severed. That will not invalidate the remaining provisions of these Terms nor affect the validity or enforceability of that provision in any other jurisdiction where it is not invalid.
  39. Entire agreement

    These Terms constitute the entire agreement of the parties in respect of the subject matter of these Terms and supersedes all prior discussions, representations, undertakings and agreements. None of our agents or representatives are authorised to make any representations, conditions or agreements not expressed by us in writing nor are we bound by any such statements.
  40. Further assurances

    Each Party must, at its own expense, do everything reasonably necessary to give effect to these Terms and the transactions contemplated by it, including but not limited to the execution of documents.
  41. Relationship

    Nothing in these Terms constitutes the parties as partners or agents or fiduciaries or trustees of the other, and no Party has any authority to bind the other legally or equitably save as expressly stated in these Terms.
  42. Knowledge

    In these Terms, a reference to the awareness or knowledge of a Party is a reference to the actual knowledge, information and belief of the Party as at the date of any Transaction taking place pursuant to these Terms.
  43. Costs

    Each Party must pay its own fees, costs and expenses incurred by it incident to or in connection with the negotiation, preparation, execution, delivery and completion of these Terms and the transactions contemplated by these Terms including without limitation its own legal, tax, accounting and other fees.